Posts Tagged ‘shavuot’

Pentecost (Leviticus 23:15-21)

I believe most of us would be familiar with the Pentecost due to Acts 2, which was the day the Holy Spirit came. What is Pentecost and why was this day chosen for the coming of the Holy Spirit?

Well, I found that out in the “Living Life Journal”  (12 Dec 2011) (yes, my Bible knowledge is very poor, especially of the Old Testament, for certain books).

The Pentecost is the Festival of Weeks or Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) as described in this passage in the Old Testament (Leviticus 23:15-21). “Pentecost” means “fifty days” in Greek (New Testament), which refers to the fifty days (seven weeks) after the Passover (NB: The Last Supper was on Passover), at which time the Festival of Weeks is celebrated. It’s the day that commemorated Israel’s new beginning as a nation. In Scripture, the number seven signifies completeness.
Similarly, this was the day when the Lord’s salvation was completed and a new beginning/”second chance” starts, with the coming of the Holy Spirit.

So, it was not just “any day” that the Holy Spirit was sent to us. Ah, now Pentecost has a new deeper meaning to me.